134 of 218 DOCUMENTS The Boston Herald October 21, 2008 Tuesday ALL EDITIONS Op-Ed; Character counts, but subjectively BYLINE: By JACK LEVIN SECTION: EDITORIAL; Pg. 025 LENGTH: 572 words The issue of character has assumed a prominent position in American politics. After decades of scandal-ous incidents involving our political leaders, Americans simply no longer believe they can trust the people who run things. Our best and brightest have been caught too often literally with their pants down. Now that the debates between Barack Obama and John McCain have ended, we are, therefore, likely to hear less from the candidates about their opponent's bad policies and programs and lots more about their bad behavior. There has recently been no shortage of unethical conduct from our public officials. Sen. Larry Craig was convicted of engaging in lewd conduct in a public restroom. Presidential candidate John Edwards admitted lying about an extramarital affair with a campaign employee. Sen. David Vitter's phone number turned up among those kept by the reputed ``D.C. Madam.'' Gov. Eliot Spitzer was caught on a federal wiretap arrang-ing to meet a high-priced prostitute. And Rep. Mark Foley was caught sending sexually explicit Internet mes-sages to at least one underage former page. As reported in recent CBS and Gallup national polls, the credibility of most of our leaders has plum-meted. Only 22 percent of Americans now approve of President Bush. A mere 15 percent approve of Con-gress. The issue of character has transformed the direction of the current presidential campaign. Rather than focus on differences between them regarding energy, health care, education, unemployment and the envi-ronment, the candidates accuse one another of being dishonest, disreputable and immoral. The Democrats suggest that McCain is guilty by association. In the 1980s, he participated in meetings with banking regulators on behalf of his good friend Charles Keating, a man who was later convicted of secu-rities fraud in the savings and loan scandal. The Republicans argue that Obama pals around with a 1960s terrorist - founder of the notorious Weather Underground - who wants to blow up the United States. During the 1960s, we treated our political leaders like royalty. They could do no wrong in their private lives; and if they did we would just look the other way. John F. Kennedy's acts of infidelity in the White House were well known yet summarily ignored by the press and, therefore, by the public. But from the 1970s on, public naivete gave way to widespread skepticism, if not outright cynicism, re-garding the trustworthiness of our public officials. There seemed to be one scandal after another - from Wa-tergate to Whitewater, from S&L to Enron, from Bob Packwood to Gary Hart. As a result, the private lives of our leaders are now routinely placed under a microscope. American citi-zens do not trust public officials, so they use hearsay about their personal lives to evaluate the credibility of their representatives in Washington, D.C. If we are ever to re-establish the credibility of our leaders, if they could regain the trust and confidence that they once had with the American people, our preoccupation with the private lives of candidates would probably disappear, or at least be greatly diminished in importance. The Ashanti of West Africa would cut off your lips for spreading dirt about the chief. If the Ashanti stan-dard were ever to be applied here, there would be countless Americans in need of oral surgery. Jack Levin is the Irving and Betty Brudnick Professor of Sociology and Criminology at Northeastern Uni-versity. LOAD-DATE: October 21, 2008 LANGUAGE: ENGLISH PUBLICATION-TYPE: Newspaper |